Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Production! Breaking it down

    In production there is 4 stages which is development, pre-production, production, and post- production. 

    In the development stage we are going to be focus on getting the basic elements of film production. I must have my legal information assists in securing the cognitive property. I have to give my self time to get my funding in place, I will have to make sure I have my cast members, and my written script.

    In the per-production stage this is where I will need to have my set and costume designs, location and the preparation for shooting my production. I will have to get crew members who would control the lighting, electrical, camera operators, assistant directors, sound personal, make-up and hair and plenty more. As you can see it's lots of things to have in preparations before actual starting the production.

    We are finally to the production stage and in this stage I will be filming my movie or film. This is when the things I did in the development and pre- production stages will come together. I will applying the skills I've learned and developed in the class and from my research to this film. 

     After the production stage I will then start on my post-production. I will be taking my film and edit it. I will mainly be making sure I take the unnecessary parts like the bloopers out, adding the sound/ music that's needed for the film, adjusting lighting or colors if I need to, adding my title and applying any special effects if needed.

    The production companies that have done similar movies towards my idea are Blumhouse Productions and Warner Bros. I believe Warner Bros would be more of an ideal choice to produce my film...I mean who wouldn't want a production from the Warner Bros. If I produce with a large production company my film will more likely be seen because of who's producing it. Having a smaller producer company produce my film may not get as much ratings compare to having a lager company produce. The larger companies have a bigger span of audience compared to a smaller company, so I will get more viewers to watch my production. 

    I will persuade the production company that I have a worthy film to finance by giving a pitch and telling them my goals what's the production about, how I'm going about to create my idea, and how I plan to schedule and organize my time. It will also be useful if I give them my deadline and update them on my project. I will sound very persuasive and educate when I'm pitching my ideas to sell my film to the company.


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