Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Shot by Shot analysis 1/20/21

 Shot 1 

ELS (extreme long shot)/ establishing shot-in this scene it starts off with a ELS providing the viewers with a sense of location/setting.

Shot 2 

Long shot- In this shot you will also be reveal the location but it is no longer outside and have been moved to the inside. They are in what looks like s college classroom because of the amount of students and the set up .

Shot 3 

Medium shot- In this scene we are moved to what is know as a medium shot where we will not see the full body of the subject but the waist up. The screen is full up with a certain amount of characters and still shows part of the setting.

Shot 4 

Medium wide shot- In this scene you see the shot is cut off at above the knees.

Shot 5 

Medium shot- In this scene it cut back to a medium shot, but you would notice it zoomed in a little more and became a little more focus on their face. While looking at their facial expressions you would notice how it change.

Shot 6

ECU (extreme clos-up)- In this scene you see this have cut to what is know as a extreme close up or ECU. They have just received the bad news that one of their classmates have committed suicide. As you can see the face expressions are shown clearly and have also changed compared to shot 3.

Shot 7

Close up- In this shot you can see the shock looked in their faces. The close up shots purpose is to  to show subjects expressions.

Shot 8

ECU- the opening sequences ends off with a side ECU shot back to the same character and the same expression as in shot 7.

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