Thursday, February 4, 2021

Film pitch

     This process took me about 20 retakes to finally get through my whole pitch. It actually felt as if I was pitching my film to the Warner.Bros, but I felt like I got my point across.

    In the film pitch I will be convincing the production company on why they should choose to pick my film to fall under their company. So I will start the a greeting because that's shows manners and professionalism, then I will talk a little about my film and the budget. I will also include the distributor I want to support my film and why I think this will be a good fit for my film. 
    Before picking a production company think to yourself  "What do they have to offer for your film?" Once you know that then it will be easier for you to sound interested and convincing. Keeping confidence in you face and your speech can also help you sound convincing. You should also try to pick a large production company because they have a bigger audience and they can help fund you more. 

This is my video for my film pitch:

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Creative Critical Reflection Hope you enjoy!