Monday, March 15, 2021

Creative Critical Reflection

Hope you enjoy!

Final Project

 It’s officially over: the finish production is now completely done and ready to be seen. It took hours and and days to build up my production and to go through the different stages. This was an amazing experience and I hope you all enjoy!

PS: I will be including any other information I can say about my film in my critical reflection. 

Coming to an end!


Hey, before I start I will like to address the fact that I really improved compared to the beginning of the project till now and I'm sure it shows. This would be my last post before the final product and CCR.

       Today I will like to give yall some details on my editing process and how I went about adding the concepts. During this process I had some bumps in the road when I came to WeVideo so I changed to iMovie where I was able to edit all my videos. For the parts where I had to place the messages on the screen I used an app called Phonto and PicsArt. In these apps I was able to use an transparent background so they can be used as stickers. It took only about a hour or two to completely edit my video. 

    This really been an amazing experience and I hope you enjoy!


Sunday, March 14, 2021

Outtakes... Oh boy!

         During this filming process I lost so much storage, but it was all worth it because the end results was actually good and I'm surprise on my progress.

        Scene 1 outtakes:

    During this scene I didn't have much complications, it went smooth and quick I just had to have a steady hand for the dolly in at the beginning. I didn't have to do so many retakes, but me and my actors was laughing so much that we have to take  a break to claim out thoughts and go back to recording. Once we stop laughing I was able to finish the scene and go home.

        Scene 2 outtakes:

    This was one of my longest scene so I wasn't able to do everything I wanted to do in this scene because it was going to make my time go over it's limit. In this scene it took some time to get the correct angles and shots. I had to be very flexible with my camera movements I tried to do high-angle shots which wasn't bad it was just that I couldn't really see what was going on with the phone so I added like text message to the side so the viewer can see what is happening. After hours of retakes we finally got a good recording for scene 2.

        Scene 3 outtakes:

    This was probably the shorts, but hardest scene honestly. This scene was the ending of my film. Getting the correct lighting and angles for this scene was essential so the viewers can see what is going on and have that shock look once they see what is happening. This scene ended off with an cliffhanger that is really going to have people wondering what's going to happen next which also creates a storyline.  I filmed this scene the same day as film 2.


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Film Update

        Today I will be doing final edits to my film production. I only have to do little tweaks and I will be proud to say I'm going to be completely done with my film. Once I'm done I'm going to show people my final product to get any feedbacks such as sound effects or if I need to up the lighting in certain areas. Once I get feedback I go make any last minute changes before next Wednesday which is when the project is due. The filming step was really fun and the highlight on the whole project. I got a feel on how director and producers feel when they are filming their movies which was an exciting moment.
     Today in class I'm just going through all my blogs adding in this that I missed and taking away unnecessary things that I added in the beginning. 

Monday, March 8, 2021

Day 2 of production

    I fell behind on schedule, but I am making up for it. Over the weekend (March 6th-7th) I got the whole scene two and three down. During this scene there were some rough patches that made it kind of difficult to record. My phone went dead in the middle of production so I had to wait for it to charge. I also had trouble trying to get the correct angles so that I can record different shots.  During production I add and changed some of my shots that I had previously planned to do. I believe the changes and add ons in my shots will make the film more productive as if I have more going on then before.

    The recording took about two hours to get all of the shots and scenes done. I had to do plenty of retakes which was very frustrating and distracting because I had to reexplain what I needed in the film or that shot that I was doing.  I tried to follow the storyboard the best way I could, but my layout changed due to setting changed. At the end it all came together and me and the cast members were both excited on what we had all accomplish.

     In the beginning I wasn't sure on what I was going to do for her part, but after getting some great ideas and suggestions from my crew members we came up with a way to make it work. For any scenes that involves Brianna I would just do voice overs since her conversations are through facetime or regular phone calls. The scene when you finally see Brianna is in scene three which is the ending and as for that scene I could just use something to hold my phone up and I could be in the camera so that I could do her part.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Day 1 of production


  I had so much fun recording my first day of production, my casts members where excellent and easier to work with. They had many great ideas that I decided to include in my production and they were open to my ideas. While we were recording I allowed them to be free on their movements so that it could look natural. It didn't take many retakes while filming my first day.

       I filmed my first scene which is the kitchen scene and half of scene two. It was easy and quick to do, I am so proud of my progress. Throughout the first day of production it was quick and the cast members went with the flow. We had moments when the scene would start and we all would just laugh out of no where, but it was all fun. We only had to do three retakes which isn't bad in my opinion. Over the weekend I would continue filming scene two and three I just hope it will be as easy as today filming.


Creative Critical Reflection Hope you enjoy!